Web Scammers… WTF?!

April 23, 2011  •  Leave a Comment
Seems like everyday online there’s some new scum of the earth rearing their heads in the attempt to snag passwords and user information from us. Be it to our Facebook accounts, Craigslist, our email or the like, what is it they exactly hope to accomplish? Is it really foolproof to use someone else’s email account to spread the word that it’s a lot easier and less expensive than we think to enhance someone’s masculinity without surgery?
I received this lovely tidbit just a few minutes ago in my inbox.

“If it is true I hope you die in hell…” That’s just lovely. But also raises an intriguing philosophical question: I thought you had to die to go to Hell, but now this woman is telling me that I can die while I’m there… I’m so confused. Does she mean Hell, Michigan? Or is her life so vacant as she searches for pathetic ways to steal my passwords that she views her life as Hell? Thoughts?

Either way, can we all agree to put an hour or two aside in the near future, find these people and beat them mercilessly with wiffle-ball bats? That’d be an awesome genesis for a superhero. Imagine a night out of classic films noir and some mugger getting cornered by a nerd in a track suit and a bad ski mask.
“Who the hell are you?”
“I’m Wiffle Batman.”
Cue the merciless plastic beating.


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