Patience is a Virtue

December 13, 2011  •  Leave a Comment
Over the last year I’ve been frantically trying to keep up with a hellish production schedule. Just weddings get to be arduous enough so that trying to even conceive of shooting and editing a Haywire Effect episode seems like a vacation. On top of that, I have a jewelry store I’m under contract to produce viral ads for. We all wanted that contract to be long since fulfilled, but due to production problems, actors dropping out for various reasons, and an overall lack of time, it never happened.
Turns out that some things are worth waiting for. Thanks to a helpful response to a Facebook post, I was re-introduced to a young bridesmaid I met at a wedding last year: Enter Erin Foley. A young actress with experience in theater and aspirations to transcend into the film world, she saw the opportunity as a welcome transition. We began a collaboration on the commercial from the ground up: Everything from the core idea to the shooting script was a combination of all our ideas.
Overall, this was a phenomenal experience. Not only is Erin a joy to work with, but the commercial turned out better than all my previous attempts. I hope you like it.


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