Mitten Movie Project: Zombie Night!

November 07, 2011  •  Leave a Comment
Tomorrow night (well, technically tonight; November 8) is Zombie Night at Connie Mangilin’s Mitten Movie Project. It’s her favorite month out of the year because, let’s face it, zombie flicks rule. When they’re done right, anyway. There are definitely some that suck, like the “so bad it can’t even be a good kind of bad” piece of aromatic dog excrement, Shatter Dead. If you haven’t heard of this movie, consider yourself lucky. Even if it were popular and you think you’ve been hiding under a rock, I’m sure it’d be a nice rock worth living under compared to this garbage. The movie was so god awful I couldn’t even finish it. Later on I discovered online interviews in which the director, aptly named Scooter McCrae (no, I’m not making this up) dismissed any and all criticism of his work, stating it had obviously gone over people’s heads and they can’t appreciate art and blah, blah.
I’d be holding a gun to my head if I were in this movie, too.
A word for director Scooter (and I use the term “director” very loosely): Your movie and your self aggrandizing horse vomit both need to be locked into porta-potties outside Packer Stadium and set on fire. Suck it long and suck it hard, Trebek.
George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead
For quality zombie films, here’s a list of my favorites:
George A. Romero’s Dead series (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead, Diary of the Dead, Survival of the Dead)
Three films by the great Italian director Lucio Fulci: Zombi 2, City of the Living Dead, The Beyond
Dan O’Bannon’s great 80’s zombie horror spoof Return of the Living Dead
Although it’s technically not a zombie film, I’d be remiss to not make a nod to 28 Days Later (I still haven’t seen the sequel)
Edgar Wright’s amazingly hilarious and brilliant Shaun of the Dead
Those are just to name a few. If you can make it to the Main Art Theater in Royal Oak for Zombie Night to see some homemade Michigan zombie action, admission is only $10 at the door, and the winner of the Audience Award for November will be featured on January episode of The Haywire Effect. Come one, come all!!


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